California is geographically complex, there is more climatic and topographic variation in California than in any other state. The combination of diverse climates and terrains is responsible for a wealth of biomes. This collection of communities currently harbors 184 species of amphibians and reptiles, many of them are endemic to the state, while others are introduced, and some are extirpated. With an emphasis on herpetofaunal distributions, this thorough reference includes information on geography, environments, habitats, behavior, techniques for viewing, and other fascinating notes about California’s amphibians and reptiles.
ISBN: 978-1-7362699-0-9
300 pp.
421 color illustrations
125 graphical maps
4,078 science-relevant field observations
Size 11 × 8½"—2.3 lbs.
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At Home and Afield
This comprehensive book is intended for both home and field. Its arrangement in five parts—geomorphic regions, environments, species accounts, color figures, and field observations—puts information at your fingertips that would otherwise only be accessible through diligent research.
The regions map shows expanses, such as Colorado and Mojave deserts, coast ranges, and the Sierra Nevada. Environments link relationships among plants and amphibians and reptiles within a region. Species Accounts connect animals to regions and environments, and colored photographs are depicted for each species and subspecies inhabiting California. The Species Accounts cover the most valuable information about an animal’s geographic distribution, habitat, and comments. Field Observations link to black points on distribution maps and list where and when a species was observed. Finally, the appendices include a bibliography, glossary, index, and author bio.
Before planning an outing, readers will want to know what animals to expect, and the range maps help as a quick reference. While in the field, the naturalist will want to keep the book handy for references. This book is a work in progress, for science is surprising, and new discoveries await all naturalists knowing what to look for, and this book helps professional and beginning naturalists make those discoveries.